
Rush Hour

Games for age 8 to adult: only 3 left in stock


Rush Hour

Expires: 3 weeks, 1 day
Last updated: 2023-03-09 23:19:39

The classic traffic jam logic game. Escape: That’s your goal.
Includes 1x Rush Hour Traffic Grid with Card Storage, 40x ALL NEW Challenge Cards from Beginner to Expert with Solutions, 15x Blocking Cars and Trucks, 1x Red Escape Car, Game-Go Bag
This game is suitable for 1 player and is suitable for ages 8 years up.
Develops critical skills – Playing through the challenges builds reasoning and planning skills and provides a great stealth learning experience for young players.
ThinkFun is the world’s leader in addictively fun games that stretch and sharpen your mind. From lighting up young minds to creating fun for the whole family, our innovative games make you think while they make you smile.

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