
Yoto Twits

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Yoto Twits

Expires: 6 days, 12 hours
Last updated: 2023-03-10 04:35:19

Yoto Says: The IT Crowd’s Richard Ayoade narrates some of Dahl’s most enduringly twisted images (worm spaghetti, anyone?). Mr Twit is a foul and smelly man with bits of cornflake and sardine in his beard.
Mrs Twit is a horrible old hag with a glass eye.
Together they make the nastiest couple you could ever hope not to meet.
Down in their garden, the ghastly, evil Twits keep Muggle-Wump the monkey and his family locked in a cage.
But not for much longer! Because the monkeys are planning to trick the terrible Twits and make their escape, once and for all…. Author: Roald Dahl
Read by: Richard Ayoade
Running time: 57 mins
Content type: Stories
Age Range: 5-8
Language: English

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