
Ladybird Addition and Subtraction

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Ladybird Addition and Subtraction

Expires: 1 week, 6 days
Last updated: 2023-03-10 04:28:26

Yoto Says: Addition, subtraction, pictorials, oh my! Even a hint of number bonds. This educational card makes maths fun – now if only we had 20 fingers to help us count! Ladybird Addition and Subtraction is an entertaining and engaging way for children to learn and practise their basic maths skills while having some fun along the way! This creative and interactive audiobook is designed to help three- to six-year-olds develop basic mathematics skills working with numbers up to 20. With games and repeatable exercises, this audiobook introduces children to number bonds and will teach them that with maths, the possibilities are endless! Author: Ladybird
Read by: Rachel Riley
Running time: 1hour 9mins
Content type: Activities
Age Range: 5-8, 8-12+
Language: English

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