
Yoto 5 Minute Frozen Stories

Yoto: only 2 left in stock


Yoto 5 Minute Frozen Stories

Expires: 3 weeks, 1 day
Last updated: 2023-03-10 03:28:36

Yoto Says: Join Anna, Elsa, Olaf, and more in four enchanting Frozen adventures. Join Anna and Elsa as they hunt the Ghost of Arendelle, see what Olaf brings to Snow and Tell, and more! With four Frozen stories perfect for bedtime, storytime, or anytime! Track Listing:
1. Frozen
2. Frozen: The Ghost of Arendelle
3. Frozen: Snow and Tell
4. Frozen 2 Author: Disney Press
Read by: Disney
Running time: 28 mins
Content type: Stories
Age Range: 0-5
Language: English

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