
Everything’S Amazing (Sort Of) Liz Pichon

Story books: only 3 left in stock


Everything’S Amazing (Sort Of) Liz Pichon

Expires: 6 days, 11 hours
Last updated: 2023-03-10 03:23:27

The third book in the bestselling series from the brilliantly talented Liz Pichon. Back to school, but it’s not all bad. Sports Day, the school fair and Tom’s birthday are all coming up. And even better, his awful big sister Delia won’t be at any of those events! On the downside, Granny Mavis is threatening to make his birthday cake – uh oh! But on the other hand, Mr Keen has asked Dogzombies to perform in front of the whole school! YEAH! Maybe they can even play at the school disco too. How can the term turn out any less than seriously amazing?

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